As you clean your home this weekend, make sure that you utilize the right tools and products. Take note of these cleaning mistakes for a more efficient house cleaning.

Using cleaning products in excessive amounts.
Check the label to see the recommended amount of cleaning product that you’ll need. Using too much of the cleaning product might have unwanted consequences for your furniture and decor. Err on the side of caution and review the labels to save you time and money.
Using the same cleaner for all furniture.
As with the first tip, double check the label of the product that you wish to use. It is usually specified as to where you can use it. Don’t use your disinfectant on leather furniture if it’s only suitable for plastic pieces.
If you’re on a budget, try using homemade solutions! Use baking soda for cleaning your bathroom tiles and vinegar for cleaning outdoor windows.
Cleaning with the wrong tools.
Cleaning with the wrong tools may damage the surfaces of your furniture. Always research if you should use a certain type of brush or sponge before scrubbing.
Sponges work well with pots, pans and grills. However, it doesn’t work for laminate and plastic pieces because it can leave scratch marks on the surface.
Cleaning the floor first.
Avoid cleaning the floor first. Start by cleaning the high areas, such as ceiling fans and wall decor. Gravity pulls down dust and debris, so it’s best to clean the floor at the end of your spring cleaning.