With recent news about typhoons, we should start thinking about the state of the home and how we can best prepare for such events. Aside from making sure that our home can withstand disasters, it also pays to be ready with essentials. Here are five tips on basic emergency planning that you should take note of.
Photo by Chris Gallagher on Unsplash
Prepare an emergency-supplies kit
You emergency kit should have water, food, medicine, battery-powered appliances, and toiletries. Keep it in an accessible place so you can easily get it.
Finalize a meet-up point
Plan a specific meet-up point with other family members just in case you get separated from them. Having an exact spot or location will make it easier for you to locate and find each other.
Inspect exit points
Make sure that doors and windows can be opened easily. If in case you have a master set of keys, it is best to give each member duplicates, too.
Memorize local emergency hotlines
You may also save these numbers on your phone or stick the numbers to the refrigerator or memo board.
Check the circuit breaker
You should know how to turn off the circuit breaker or fuse box in case of flood or fire.